Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase for professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service. Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of legal professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them.
Pro Bono Service
Welcome to the Pro Bono page of the New York Northern District Court. Please review this Letter to the Bar from the Chief Judge concerning Pro Bono service in this District written December 1, 2022.
Pro Bono Reimbursement
The Northern District of New York Attorney Admission / Non-Appropriated Funds Account (herein after referred to as the “District Court Fund”) will reimburse certain expenses incurred by pro bono attorneys appointed by the Court who represent pro se litigants in civil actions in the Northern District of New York.
- Guidelines Governing Pro Bono Reimbursement (pdf)
- Guidelines of Pro Bono Expenses (pdf)
- Pro Bono Voucher (form)
- Pro Bono Authorization Request (form)
Pro Bono Honor Rolls
- Honor Roll of Pro Bono Service (2020-2021)
- Honor Roll of Pro Bono Service (2019-2020)
- Honor Roll of Pro Bono Service (2018-2019)
- Honor Roll of Pro Bono Service (2017-2018)
- Honor Roll of Pro Bono Service (2015-2016)
Pro Bono CLE Credit
In order to receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits as a Pro Bono Attorney within the United States District Court - Northern District of New York, attorneys must comply with the New York State Unified Court System Continuing Legal Education requirements. Attorneys will receive credit for Pro Bono service within the NDNY in accordance with the New York State CLE Board Regulations and Guideline Section 3(D)(11).
Credit may be earned for performing eligible pro bono legal services for clients unable to afford counsel pursuant to assignment by a court or participation in a Pro Bono CLE program sponsored by an Approved Pro Bono CLE Provider. Any attorney who performs eligible pro bono legal services pursuant to assignment by a court is required to have a copy of the court order assigning the attorney to the pro bono activity. Please see Section 3(D)(11)(e)(I) of the NYS CLE Regulations and Guidelines.