The Northern District of New York upgraded to CM/ECF NextGen on Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
For those attorneys who have been recently admitted, the Northern District of New York welcomes you. We have included here a link to Civility in Litigation: a Voluntary Commitment as a reminder of your duties and liberties as an attorney. Also be sure to become familiar with the Federal Rules as well as our Local Rules and General Orders for the Northern District of New York. Your email address will be added into our computerized mailing system. Whenever the court generates an informational mailing to Northern District practitioners, you will be included in those mailings. It is imperative that you keep the Court informed of any changes to your contact information to ensure the proper service by the Clerk's Office electronically filed court notices, orders and correspondence. Pursuant to Local Rule 83.1(f), any change in your bar record must be updated within fourteen (14) days of such change.
As of March 2nd 2015, attorneys who are in good standing with a CM/ECF login and password can now e-file their request for a Certificate of Good Standing. The Certificate of Good Standing will be returned to the attorney as a PDF document. Please ensure that your Spam-Filter settings are set to allow incoming e-mails from the domain of * Learn More
Attorney Admission (Fee $249.00)
To become permanently admitted to the court, applications must be submitted to the Court through an individual upgraded PACER account.
Step 1. Register for a new PACER account or Upgrade an existing legacy PACER account. Note - accounts created prior to August 11, 2014 are considered a legacy account and must be upgraded to submit an application. If you already have an upgraded PACER account, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2. Complete the required forms below and convert them to a single PDF document saved to your drive.
Attorney E-Filing Registration Form. This form is used to prepare your official Admission Certificate. Please enter your full name, select the method of admission applicable to Local Rule 83.1, and sign and date the Oath on Admission at the bottom.
Petition for Admission to Practice. Please make sure that it is signed and dated. If you choose to create your own Petition, it must be consistent with the provisional paragraphs of the Court's form.
Declaration of Sponsor. Declaration of Sponsor. Your sponsor must be a member in good standing of the bar of the Northern District of New York who has personal knowledge of your background and character. The Declaration of Sponsor is not required for an applicant who is a member in good standing of the bar in the United States District Court for the Eastern, Western, or Southern District of New York. It is also not required for an applicant seeking reinstatement pursuant to Local Rule 83.1(a)(5) after being removed from the NDNY bar for failure to complete the biennial registration.
Proposed Order. The caption of the order contains the full name of the attorney being admitted with the type of admission selected in either checkbox on the form.
Certificate of Good Standing. A court issued Certificate of Good Standing is required and must be dated within six (6) months of the date of your application. Applicants who are members in good standing with the United States District Court for the Eastern, Western or Southern District of New York may submit an original Certificate of Good Standing from the U.S. District Court where they are members. See N.D.N.Y. Local Rule 83.1(c).
Scan or convert your documents and save as a single PDF file to your drive.
Step 3. In your PACER account, apply for admission/e-filing in the Northern District of New York and upload your application to the Court. Upon receipt of your application, you will receive an e-mail from the Court containing a link to pay the admission fee. Once the fee is paid, your electronic filing access is granted.
Log into your PACER account and submit your application by following the steps in this LINK.
Pro Hac Vice Admission (Fee $100.00)
**Note: No appearance is necessary for this type of admission.The sponsoring attorney, that is, an attorney already admitted to practice in the Northern District of New York, electronically files the following documents in the case in which the applicant seeks to appear:
- A Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission of the applicant, please include the Case Caption and Assigned Judge (B)
- Declaration of Sponsor (B)
- Applicant's completed Attorney Registration Form with case number noted and Oath signed and dated
- Applicant's completed Petition for Admission to Practice
- Certificate of Good Standing from highest State Court where admitted (dated within the last six months) (B)
- Pro Hac Vice Admission Fee of $100 (via Pay.Gov, for each case in which PHV admission is sought) (B)
In addition to the granting of a Motion for Limited Admission Pro Hac Vice, the applicant must also register for Pro Hac Vice E-filing access in his/her individual PACER account by completing the steps in this LINK.
(B) Required for Pro Hac Vice admission to the Bankruptcy Court. Original Documents to be filed traditionally with the Bankruptcy Court in the division where the Bankruptcy case is pending: Albany, Utica or Syracuse.
Oral Application for Pro Hac Vice
In lieu of a written Motion, the sponsoring attorney may make an oral motion in open court on the record. In that case, the attorney seeking pro hac vice admission must immediately report to the Clerk's Office to pay the $100 Pro Hac Vice admission fee and to complete the Attorney Registration Form and Petition for Admission to Practice Form. The attorney will be given 30 days to submit a current Certificate of Good Standing. In addition, the applicant must register for pro hac vice E-filing access to the Court in his/her individual PACER account within 48 hours. A written Notice of Appearance must also be filed with the court in accordance with N.D.N.Y. Local Rule 11.1.
For additional questions please visit or our Admissions Frequently Asked Questions or contact your Local Office.
Student Practice
A law student appearing as a Student Practitioner may with the court's approval, under supervision of an attorney, appear on behalf of any person, including the United States Attorney, who has consented in writing on the form prescribed by the Clerk of the Court.
To view the complete rules regarding student practice in the New York Northern District Court please review Local Rule 83.8 regarding student practice.