To schedule a video call (MS Teams) with the Clerk's Office complete the form below. This remote access service is available to allow the public to do the following:
- Save a trip to the Clerkâs office and get all your questions answered by a Docket Clerk
- Obtain copies of forms, pro se handbook, local rules or documents electronically
- Pay court fees
- Attorneys/support staff can receive technical support from a Clerk with the ability to share your computer/device screen
The system utilizes the Microsoft Teams platform to provide this service. The Microsoft Teams platform offers both a free web connectivity over a browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) or a free application download for devices like iPads/iPhones/Androids and Tablets. If using an iPad/iPhone/Android or Tablet device it is encouraged to download and install the Microsoft Teams App from Apple Store or Google Play Store prior to your scheduled meeting.
- Apple Store Microsoft Teams App -
- Android/Google Play Microsoft Teams App -
- Guide for joining a Microsoft Teams call with the Courts
Be sure to understand the service's Terms of Use