QUESTION 1: Which courtrooms have Video Evidence Technology available?
ANSWER: Presentation both audio and visual is available in the majority of the Courtrooms in which proceedings take place. If a special accomodation for presentation is necessary, it is important to inform your courtroom deputy so they can coordinate with information technology staff to support your needs.
QUESTION 2: My laptop has a presentation on it, can I display this material throughout the courtroom?
ANSWER: Yes. Each counsel table has one VGA input per table. An additional VGA input is also available on the podium. (Please test your laptop prior to the proceeding to ensure that you have the ability to distribute video.) Most laptops come equipped with this feature, however some older laptops may require additional software and/or changes in the laptop's configuration settings).
QUESTION 8: I have to arrange a Video Conference, what should I do?
ANSWER: To schedule a video call you must first check with the courtroom deputy for the judge's approval and to schedule the call. Our video conference system is the latest technology and is compatible with most other video conference systems. However, we can not guarantee compatibility with other systems. Because there are many different protocols and hardware versions of video conference equipment available, you MUST make a test call into the court before your proceeding date to ensure compatibility.