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Pro Se Assistance Program

The NDNY Federal Court Bar Association, Inc. established the Pro Se Assistance Program in an effort to address the varying needs of pro se litigants, to help pro se litigants better understand the complexities involved in the prosecution or defense of a legal action, and to ASSIST the Northern District of New York in the administration of justice.

The Pro Se Coordinator is a qualified attorney who will assist pro se litigants (individuals who are representing themselves in a federal court action), by providing necessary information and assistance in the initiation or defense of a civil lawsuit filed in the Northern District, including

  • Information about federal court procedures
  • Assistance in the preparation of pleadings and other court documents
  • Consultation relating to discovery and motion practice
  • Assistance in accessing additional information and/or research about your legal issues
  • Referrals to other services in appropriate cases

Please contact the Pro Se Assistance program at 877-422-1011 or send an email to To get a further understanding of what is offered by the FCBA Pro Se Assistance Program please view their brochure HERE. You may also want to visit the FCBA website.