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Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Court has been informed of a new phishing scam that is making its way around the Internet. In this scam, an e-mail is sent from informing the recipient that he or she has been selected for jury duty and needs to appear at the Federal Courthouse within three weeks. The e-mail contains a link that allegedly has additional information. A sample of the e-mail can be found below.

These e-mails are not from the Court. You should not respond to them, nor should you click on any links contained in the e-mail. If you receive such an e-mail, please do not contact the Court. You may delete the email.

Sample Email:

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 10:50 AM
To: Terri Applegate
Subject: You are summoned for Jury Duty for a Federal Case

You are summoned to appear for Jury Duty for a Federal Case.

You are hereby notified your name was selected from current tax payers in your County, and that you need to appear within 3 weeks from now at the Federal Courthouse.

Please bring two types of Identification with you, preferably your drivers licence as one of these.

Note, if you do not appear, you will automatically be fined. Here is more information about the case, case number:


Your truly,
Sherry Mason
Clerk Of The Court